How to use chroma profiles
How to use chroma profiles

how to use chroma profiles

  • Start Google Chrome by double-clicking the Chrome Development shortcut.
  • "C:\Documents and Settings\me\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -user-data-dir=c:\chrome-dev-profile
  • Right-click the Chrome Development shortcut, choose Properties, and paste -user-data-dir=C:\ chrome-dev-profile at the end of the Target field.
  • (Right-click, then Copy.) Name the new shortcut something like Chrome Development.
  • Make a copy of the Google Chrome shortcut on your desktop.
  • how to use chroma profiles

    This folder will hold the data for the new profile.

  • Create a folder on your computer, say C:\chrome-dev-profile.
  • Instructions: Windows To create a profile If the profile folder is empty, the browser creates initial data for it.
  • Whenever you launch the browser, use the shortcut or alias that's associated with the profile.
  • Create a shortcut or alias that launches the browser, using the -user-data-dir command-line argument to specify the profile's location.
  • You can import Profiles from your computer or from the cloud through the import button ( ) or create new profiles within the selected device using the add button ( ).
  • Create a folder to hold data for the new profile. View which games are linked to each device’s profiles or which Chroma Effect is linked to specific games using the DEVICES subtab.
  • The details of how to create and use a profile vary by platform, but here's the basic process: We recommend that you use the default profile for your everyday browsing. By creating and using multiple profiles, you can do development - creating extensions, modifying the browser, or testing the browser - while still being able to use Google Chrome as your default browser.

    How to use chroma profiles