Start Google Chrome by double-clicking the Chrome Development shortcut. "C:\Documents and Settings\me\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -user-data-dir=c:\chrome-dev-profile Right-click the Chrome Development shortcut, choose Properties, and paste -user-data-dir=C:\ chrome-dev-profile at the end of the Target field. (Right-click, then Copy.) Name the new shortcut something like Chrome Development. Make a copy of the Google Chrome shortcut on your desktop.
This folder will hold the data for the new profile.
Create a folder on your computer, say C:\chrome-dev-profile. Instructions: Windows To create a profile If the profile folder is empty, the browser creates initial data for it. Whenever you launch the browser, use the shortcut or alias that's associated with the profile. Create a shortcut or alias that launches the browser, using the -user-data-dir command-line argument to specify the profile's location. You can import Profiles from your computer or from the cloud through the import button ( ) or create new profiles within the selected device using the add button ( ). Create a folder to hold data for the new profile. View which games are linked to each device’s profiles or which Chroma Effect is linked to specific games using the DEVICES subtab. The details of how to create and use a profile vary by platform, but here's the basic process: We recommend that you use the default profile for your everyday browsing. By creating and using multiple profiles, you can do development - creating extensions, modifying the browser, or testing the browser - while still being able to use Google Chrome as your default browser.